With this blog post, I would like to address few important points on how to generate and build lasting Customer loyalty.

We all know the fact that “If there is no customer, there is no business”.

Generating loyal customers is a must for all kind of businesses. Not only are loyal customers a great source of steady income for the business but also a great source for Word of mouth marketing. Retaining loyal customer is way more cheaper than identifying and targeting new customers.

However, the information available via internet and other popular mediums had given ultimate power in customer’s hand where they can buy what they want, whenever they want and how they want.

Following are few tips on how you can generate more loyal customers on your list:

1. Give rewards to customer every time they do business with you.
2. Send targeted email offers to customers. Why to send an offer dog foods to a customer who does not have a dog.
3. Collect important details about your customers and use it wisely. Offer them exactly what they want and when they want.
4. Use social media sites wisely. Don’t send generic messages on your social media sites.
5. Give some real and workable ideas to your customer with the best tips on how they can utilize your products.
6. Don’t confuse your customers by providing too much details. Make it very easy for them to understand about your products or services.
7. Reduce physical efforts of your customer. Super market is the best example, they keep the important products on the top shelf.
8. Why not to try and offer a diverse gifts? Subway had offered smart phones and playstations in prizes.
9. Send special offer on customer’s birthday or anniversary.
10. Engage with your core shopper. Take the notes of actionable points and implement it in your business.
11. Tweak, Measure and Optimize.
12. Be honest with your brand value.
13. Participate in charity or specific causes. This shows to a customer that your company cares.
14. Be flexible in your products offering. Give more choices.
15. “Loyalty is all about the three Rs according to Alan – Relevance, Reward and Recognition.” says Alan Lias, Virgin Atlantic Airways
16. Use social, mobile and location data as marketing resources to drive customer loyalty.

As I mentioned before this is a little blog post, I am now all ears to understand your view points. Share your story on how you are building customer loyalty.